human design + parenting


To radiate their unique light into the world!

Imagine parenting as a fluid journey, not a one-size-fits-all approach. Human Design is just the tool for this journey, guiding you to understand your child and build a tailored approach to support their well-being and nurture their unique qualities.

And best yet, not to compromise who you are as a parent along the way.

You can have it both!

Common Challenges we work through together:

  • “Butting heads” with a particular child or family member

  • Sibling conflicts

  • Child friendship challenges

  • School issues (anxiety and pressure of school/test taking, inability to sit still, talking too much, etc)

  • As a parent, feeling like you’ve “lost” yourself and compromised your happiness

Work directly with valerie

  • Discovery Call

    I want to hear from you!

    What's going on in the relationship with yourself as a parent or with the relatinoships in your home. What do you hope to change? What do you desire in your life?

    There is no pressure to proceed, instead this is a mutual conversation to see if we're a good fit, and if nothing else, to have a lovely conversation with another beautiful soul.


  • Parenting & Human Design Guidance

    Schedule a 75-minute call for individualized guidance for improved relationships your child, yourself, and your family.

    In this 75 minute meeting we will discuss:

    • Current challenges and how to achieve your goals with practical and tangible changes

    • Your and your child's Human Design chart

    • Simple and practicat changes to implement for improved relationships in your home.

    Leave with:

    • Clarity of the next steps

    • Understand why it's not working now and what the changes will improve upon

    • A line in the sand, to have an idea of what outcome you should see and by what date

    Come with an open mind and lets build the thriving relationships you desire and know are possible in your home!

    There are no follow-up calls or support with this purchase.



A Human Design chart offers a comprehensive view of an individual's energetic makeup, guiding them in living authentically and making decisions aligned with their true nature. As parents we utilize the chart to explore and embrace who your child is, vs. who we think they “should” be and find creative solutions to improve struggles while maintaining the child’s inner light.

I desire your entire family to thrive in the relationships in your home!

I aim to highlight the growth opportunity and gifts behind any challenge you experience with yourself or child, provide clarity on ways to bring positive change, and empower you with the wisdom to adjust aspects as needed.