How to meditate?

Story can be so rich with information. Take a listen to my beginnings and aha’s with meditation as it may spark something in you.

My intention is to empower you to find YOUR way with meditation.

5 Steps to meditation

1. Be mindful how you speak of meditation.

Your words matter. If you’re constantly saying “I can’t meditate” “I don’t do it right”, then you are correct. What you focus on grows.

Focus on positive and supportive words about your ability to meditate.

Ask yourself “How am I meditating correctly for me?”

By asking this question you are telling your brain that you are meditating correctly and it will look for evidence.

2. Get into your body through movement

Mediation is about letting go of the mind and feeling into the body.

For me, having a little bit of movement before meditation was a game changer. I continue to implement this step daily, as it really allows me to feel into my body and quiet the mind.

Make movement yours!

Here are some examples to play around with:

  • dancing to your favorite song

  • taking a walk

  • exercise of any kind

  • yoga

  • stretching

  • tapping your body

  • speaking out loud the sensations you feel with the clothing that is touching your body. Describe in detail.

  • breathwork

  • what’s your favorite way to feel into your body?

3. Open, Curious & Listen

Begin each meditation practice with an open and curious mind, listening.

So many times we have our mind made up before we even try something. In doing this, you miss the magic of a new experience.

I invite you as you sit down to meditation, have zero expectations.

Instead, tell yourself “I am open, I am curious, I am listening.”

4. Meditate

This is when you actually meditate.

Comfort is important. Sit or lay down in whatever feels most comfortable to you. Allow your body to relax and breathe gently.

Some find it helpful to focus on their breath inside their heart or their belly, creating a focal point. Others allow the breath to breathe naturally with less focus. There is no wrong or right way.

Play around with using a guided meditation or sitting in silence.

There are many free meditations out there: Youtube, Pelaton app, Calm, Headspace, Insight Timer, ect.

Here is a free meditation from myself, one to use in the moments before picking your child up from school or an activity.

Remember, you are doing this perfectly correct for you!

Try one way and learn: do I like it? What would I change for next time?

Be consistent. Continue to show up for meditation to really reap the benefits.

5. AHA’s & Gratitude

After the meditation has ended, sit silently for a few minutes and reflect. Allow the stillness to be within your body, feeling relaxed and peaceful.

In these moments, reflect either within your mind or on paper with journalling.

Note any AHA moment’s or clarity that arose.

Maybe you felt some emotion you want to fully feel and journal on.

Most importantly, end with a few things you are grateful for.

Gratitude is the one area that can truly change the mind. Seeing the good = we see more good.

May you find the beauty within your meditation practice and allow it support and serve you in whatever feelings you desire to feel within your body and life.

Much love, Valerie


A little about me, Valerie