A little about me, Valerie

Children have always been near and dear to my heart.

You can see it in my external world; from being the oldest child with my siblings 5 years and 9 years younger than me, the oldest of all grandchildren on both sides, from babysitting to nannying, working in after school programs, being a summer camp counselor and earning my Masters in Elementary education and teaching.  Then birthing my own three children and finding parenting a very natural transition for myself.  Children are my jam.

It’s their pureness.

Their innocence.

Their curiosity.

Their love and kindness and joy. 

It’s the light inside of them.

I feel the energy of children and am so drawn to their essence and being.

My heart explodes when thinking about children and I want to support, nurture and help them all!

Which seems to be no coincidence in my journey of business.

I became a certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant after the birth of my first child, because truly, I wasn’t a person who could just accept sleepless days and nights.  I knew I wasn’t wired that way.  And if I wasn’t my best self, how could I be my best self for this itty-bitty human?

So here I was, again working with children in a way, by helping and supporting parents to find better sleep, rest and peace within their homes.  While at the heart of me, this was because I KNEW how impactful proper and appropriate sleep is for the growing and developing brain and body of a child - and I also knew the impact sleeplessness had on parents and in the home.

More sleep = amazing transformations all around.  And I stick by this today. Despite growing myself in other ways, I always return to sleep as without proper and appropriate sleep for anyone - nothing can change with ease and flow.   

You don’t have to be a scientist to understand this, you’re human!  Take a look at your life and how you’ve felt when exhausted - how did your life look like then?  Could you make changes easily?  Did you feel present and calm?  Did you have patience?  Were you optimistic?  Could you make the food choices you knew you wanted to?   Probably not.  Proper sleep is the foundation of everything.

I was honored to work with families in sleep and I was feeling the nudge to expand it, as I was also expanding my beliefs.    

I have always innately felt that children are good.  I don’t believe in bad behavior or misfit children.  To me, off behavior is a cry for help as they are not feeling in alignment with who they are.  Instead, an outside, even loving intention or person has misguided them to think they “should” be or do something which did not feel correct for them.  But the child has limited ways to understand this or articulate it to the adult.  So the child puts their inner knowingness aside, may throw a fit or two, and then succumbs to whatever the authority thought was best for them.   AKA:  abandon their inner understanding and needs.

I can't speak for everyone, but as I've grown, I've recognized the importance of reclaiming my personal authority instead of constantly surrendering it to others. Now, I'm focusing on tuning into my intuition and addressing my inner needs, learning to trust and act upon them. It's a process that begins in youth, yet often gets dismissed under the guise of "they're just kids."

Anyway (more on that later :) ….

As all this was swirling in my head as I was experiencing my own inner growth journey and noticing how beliefs impact a person’s reality.  That your mindfulness and thoughts have an impact on your children in all areas of life (even in their sleep habits).  This journey lead me in many wonderful directions and one of them was into Human Design.

If you’re a personal growth junkie like me, who loves learning about yourself through personality tests, Human Design will blow you away!   What I love most about it is there are no questions to fake your way through.  Meaning, answering a question to “be” a certain type you hope to be (hello extrovert vs introvert), but really you know that’s not how you’d answer that question.  (hehe, anyone else recognize this in personality tests?!)

Human Design is part spirituality and part science.  Your Human Design chart is based on your birth facts.  Nothing else.  It’s the ultimate guide and playbook to your life - even your child’s life (see where I’m going here!?).  Human Design has literally empowered me to BE who I’ve always know I was and yet it felt covered up or lost.

In my learning, exploring and experimenting with my Human Design and my children’s Human Design, I’ve been BLOWN AWAY with how it has transformed my life in every area.  It’s helped me reconnect with that innate genius inside me and trust it.  It’s empowered me to support the unique individuality of each of my children (and yes they are all very different!).  It’s guided me to experiment with specifics of myself and my children such as:  sleeping needs and habits, their best digestion practices with food and information, their emotions, how much time they need to be with friends and how much down time they need, even as simple as the most effective way to communicate with them AND receive engagement and connection.  It has grown a more authentic and connected relationship with my husband.

It. has. been. life. changing.

Our house feels calm.





And much more relaxed love.

And I want this for you!

I want this for your child!

To me, this is the future.

Where adults and children are equal.  Where we’re learning from each other.  Where parents see themselves and their children as genius’, all here for a purpose.   Where parents know their intention and purpose of parenting is to guide, encourage and empower their children to keep their connection with their innate wisdom and intuition.  And to trust themselves and the genius inside… their authentic uniqueness of THEM and follow it into the world to be of service to others with their gifts.

This is my heart’s calling.  This is my soul saying “yes, yes, yes!”  This is my dream. I am here to share this with you.

To support children, through empowering their parents with tools to bring you back to your innate wholeness of love and joy and prosperity - for yourself AND keeping this true for your child from the moment of birth.

What are these tools?

Conscious sleep support, parenting with Human Design and empowering you through connection to your intuition.  To share education that helps you see the genius within your child (and yourself!) and support the light within them.

I lovingly call myself a genius illuminator:  shining a light on your child’s innate wisdom and guiding and empowering parents to bring out this potential in their child and themselves!

May you feel this too!

As always, I trust you’ll follow along in your own experiment of life or not.  Both are wonderful as I respect the light and intuition inside of you!

More to come,


PS:  Some of you may say “okay, that sounds good, but how?  Do you actually live Human Design and trusting each of your children in your life as a parent?

Absolutely yes!

Not perfect and I’m always trying my best.

I’ll share how this has showed up in our family in just the last few days/weeks:

  • changing schools to a micro school to better suit the needs of one child

  • listening to my child when they didn’t want to attend a camp that EVERYONE else was doing.  I didn’t listen to my fear or missing out and trusted what they thought was best for them.

  • noticing the nervous tick of a child which was an indication that their environment at school wasn’t correct for them

  • honoring each of my child’s bedtime needs along with honoring what I need for sleep

  • offering a healthy dinner and allowing each to choose how and what they filled their bodies with

  • asking questions with each of them and honoring when they need space to engage further

  • listening to the worries and concerns of a child and holding space for all the emotions while later discussing ways to support them in those uncomfortable moments

  • holding family meetings to discuss screen time rules and consequences


How to meditate?